Oscar the Psychopomp

Death has been on my mind lately; not in a depressing way, but it just keeps popping up. The latest was the story about Oscar the cat . Dubbed the "furry harbinger of death," Oscar has unfailingly appeared during the last couple of hours before death at the sides of 25 patients in a Providence, Rhode Island, nursing home. He jumps on the bed of a patient and sniffs the air. If the end is very near, he sits down and waits. If not, he jumps off and leaves. I think about something someone told me; no matter how many people surround you when you die, you still die alone. But do you? Is the line between being alive and being dead that inflexible? People who have had near-death experiences claim that they can see and hear everything that is going on in the room; some while hovering in the air, others because they have the ability to see their surroundings in 360-degree panorama. So many people have reported this “phenomena” that I’ve had to take note; why would they lie about it?...