
Showing posts from August, 2014
To Alsana’s mind the real difference between people was not color. Nor did it lie in gender, faith, their relative ability to dance to a syncopated rhythm or open their fists to reveal a handful of gold coins. The real difference was far more fundamental. It was in the earth. It was in the sky. You could divide the whole of humanity into two distinct camps, as far as she was concerned, simply by asking them to complete a very simple questionnaire, of the kind you find in Woman’s Own on a Tuesday: (a) Are the skies you sleep under likely to open up for weeks on end? (b) Is the ground you walk on likely to tremble and split? (c) Is there a chance (and please check the box, no matter how small that chance seems) that the ominous mountain casting a midday shadow over your home might one day erupt with no rhyme or reason? Because if the answer is yes to one or all of these questions, then the life you lead is a midnight thing, always a hair’s breadth from the witching hour; it is vola

It Was Only a Matter of Time

This is a reposting from 2009, but in the wake of Ferguson, we need to be reminded that if this is how a black President was and is treated, how do we expect your average black person to be treated? There are some people who don't believe that they have to account to anyone for their actions. They walk this Earth believing they are superior, and they give themselves permission to do or say whatever they please. Joe Wilson claiming that his emotions during our President's address to Congress the other night got the better of him is correct; but it wasn't about healthcare. It's the fact that a black man is standing in a place he, Wilson, a white man, will never be. A black man is in a position of power, and contrary to what he and the rest of the racists in this country would like us to believe, he is an exceptional person. He may even be a great leader if he doesn't have to pause every time an idiot like Joe Wilson opens his mouth. He acted like a left-back fifth