I Don't Want Him, You Can Have Him . . .

So, we're interrupting this regularly scheduled broadcast to have a little fun with history today. If my tone is kind of goofy and flip while I make my point, it is that sometimes I just have to not take things too seriously. So there’s an uproar about the Philadelphia Franklin Institute’s* King Tut Exhibit . Critics claim that the forensic reconstruction is inaccurate, not because of the young king’s features, but because his skin is white. I’m inclined to sigh and say “oh brother, here we go again—it’s just like when people start yelling about Cleopatra being a black woman. She wasn’t a black woman: According to all credible accounts, she was a Macedo nian Greek who became Queen of Egypt, which made her African by default. But at least once a year I get an e mail from someone flying off the handle because whatever latest incarnation of Cleopatra someone has put on the screen (the last one was in the HBO show Rome ) isn’t a brown/dark-skinned woman. She was not a black Af...