It’s Not the Name They Call You, It’s the Name You Answer To

I’m usually willing to give artistic expression, and many things quite a bit of latitude, but I’m going to go ahead and be grumpy about something today. I’m not going to see American Gangster . I like Denzel Washington’s work. I loved his directorial debut Antwone Fisher , and of course there is the well-known portrayal of Malcolm X ; and the lesser vaunted, but equally wonderful performance as Creasy in Man on Fire , the story of a burned out ex CIA operative and assassin who finds redemption in the process of saving the life of a little girl, whom he has grown to love as his own. The Hurricane, in which Washington starred as the embattled boxer Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, is a topic for another blog entry altogether, as there is deep controversy over the facts surrounding the story of Carter’s life. But I loved Washington’s Oscar-worthy performance all the same. But I don’t want to contribute one thin dime to American Gangster . I fail to see why I should care to know the details of ...