Short But Potent and Just a Bit Nosy on My Part

Okay folks, I want to know: Which candidate, if any, do you think you will vote for in the primaries: Barack Obama; John McCain, Hillary Clinton; Mitt Romney; John Edwards; Mike Huckabee; Rudolph Giuliani (if he's still in the race come Super Tuesday)? I'm curious. I also want to know your race and gender and religion (if you are religious/spiritual) and approximate age. I'm reading so much about how this presidential race is about age, religion, gender, and color (as if no others were; this one is just more obvious). I want to see if there is anyone out there who breaks the demographic mold set up by (omnipresent, ever-shifting) polls. I won't try to convince you to vote for anyone, or ask you to say why you're voting for whom your voting, although I will be transparent and say if I could vote in the New York State primary (I can't because I'm not affiliated with a party: I would have had to become affiliated before the last general election) I'd be voting for Barack Obama. Not because he's black, but because he's biracial, like me.

Just kidding people! Breathe. Crack a smile. Tell a joke.

His blackness aside (and contrary to what some other black people like to say, Mr. Obama walks this Earth as a black man) I think he is the best man for the job for the simple reason that I believe the words that come out of his mouth. I also believe that he wants to be our leader, and not just the president. They are not automatically one in the same. Power is one thing. Being able to have power and successfully lead a people is another one entirely. What Obama doesn't know how to do, he'll learn quickly, and delegate to the people who do know how in the meantime. Are there other candidates who could do that job? Yes. But he's one of maybe two who I believe holds the interests of the many over those of the few. I'll leave you to guess whom I think the other one is.

In the end, we're all alone in the voting booth. Unless it's made by Diebold.

If you don't want to leave a comment, but would like to answer my question, please shoot me an email here.

Update: My cousin sent me this short quiz at I took the test and it confirmed my choice. Interesting.


Anonymous said…
BIRACIAL ROCKS!'s 2008. Culture changes, bringing government with it. Does anyone seriously think that GWB is making all the decisions? Presidents do not govern so much anymore as they assemble administrations that do. I, for one, would rather have a President with vision--who can point beyond the present and say, "Take America here." Hilary may be wizened. She may be smart, but she ain't no visionary. And the last thing we need right now is tried and true status quo leadership or bipartisanship. We need change, and a radical new way of doing things to right the radical policies and (in)actions that done got us where we is now.
Anonymous said…
Oh, religious affiliation is non-taxinomic. It provides me with a full sense of community without excluding anyone. It's powerful enough to expel demons without obscuring my vision. And that's about all I have to say about that.

My age--old enough to know better, honey--and young enough to feel invincible. Actually I'm 44, and according to the latest demographic algorhythms, I believe that is the new 19.

And back to the presidential nomination poll... I voiced my reasoned hope as opposed to my guess. I spent a week in Bellvue after Bush was re-elected because I had obviously suffered a break with reality. Luckily the Supreme Court was distributing free mindchip upgrades. I'm better now, but please don't press me.
Anonymous said…
Hillary or Barack. Probably Barack.
I'm white, pagan.
Anonymous said…
Oh, and late 40s male...
greggou said…
My name is Greg Gray. I'm am a black male, age 55. I am voting for Barack Obama.
nuccinyc said…
As i promised i checked out your blog as i entered in my harlem's one badroom. i found it really interesting (and i just read the first post!). I always wonder which one between that three guys i should vote. (if i could, but honestly i don't care about my right to vote here). I said 3 guys because i don't consider any republican eligible...and, even if it was, surely not after a Bush Presidency. So, Barak or Hillary? I don't know, i watched some youtube's video about him and, i have to admit that he reminded me JFK, even before his family took his part. i didn't know it alreay and, listening at him, i thought at kennedy. After three days i learned that edward kennedy endorsed obama. but you know, i'm italian, maybe i don't understand a lot of things about your culture and about the presidential campaign too. ok, that's it...sorry for my english and take care, you're lovely. Nucci.

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