Enough Already

Look here, I'm happy to be honest about what kind of job I think our leaders are doing, never hesitated to get on my soap box. But all this whining about disillusionment with Obama is really starting to get on my nerves. I don't know what people expected when they voted for him, but I don't think it was for him to spend all of his attention, time, energy, and brain power on special interests, not the way some folks would like. It's so unbelievably selfish to feed him to the wolves because he's not doing what you want him to do. Would we rather have had the alternative in office? And if you didn't want either, be angry at our two-party system and the way we do politics and do something to change it.

Everybody is so full of criticism, but I have not heard one, not one viable solution to anything (believe it or not oilman T. Boone Pickens is really the only person who has made any sense to me at all, him and a few others. I'm sure somebody is going to write in to tell me he's the anti-Christ. I know, I know, natural gas has to be released and that means digging and breaking up land, but for crying out loud, we don't have enough facilities to gather all the sustainable and renewable energy like solar and wind power yet, and may not for a long while, so we may have to go natural gas until we get off the teat of big oil and get our act together) We built this economic mess over many years--wake up folks, it's not going to turn around in a few months. We also have to start thinking beyond the same old same old in terms of the way we are living. Those times are over. And let's not forget where our deficit, this so-called horrible legacy that we are leaving our children really came from.

Sitting around and waiting for President Obama to save the world is just plain stupid.

So okay, maybe we don't have enough motivation or anger to take to the streets like the Guatemalans, but we can do things, however small, to contribute to make everyone's life better. As I come across these things we can do, I'll post them here for inspiration. I'm sure there are many of you out there who are already inspired. I'd like to hear from you.


P said…
La vida es esto. Prestémosle atención a los
detalles. Al calorcito humeante del pis, a sacar la basura, a viajar apretados
en colectivo. Si no disfrutamos eso, ¿qué nos queda?

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