It's That Time of Year Again

Last year’s Santa-Dote entry was so popular I thought I’d do another one to give people refuge from the stress that sometimes comes with the holidays. I’m a Christmas fool, being part German I am prone to what I call Weihnachtsdelerium, so I am not here to diss it but to add to your cheer by making you laugh. A couple of these things have nothing to do with Christmas such as the following throwbacks to my childhood (and some of yours too if you were born in the 1960s) I came across a Dragnet Christmas episode that was sweet and funny at the same time. Joe Friday and the gang have hearts just like the rest of us . The incongruity between their deadpan delivery and the holiday theme makes the show. For those last minute gifts and cards that look like they come from the Island of Lost Good Taste Regretsy Awesomely Bad Christmas Cards Awesomely Bad Christmas Gifts And for something different to ring in the new year, watch this performance by Babatunde Olatunji, the Nigerian drummer who ...